Our book is out! Order “Circular Communities”

The Circular Community Foundation (CCF) stimulates communities around the world to create multiple value in their neighbourhood by co-designing interventions that are aimed at closing resource loops at the local level. Believe in the inner strength of communities to strive for wellbeing is at the core of each individual project and process. CCF therefore supports and initiates projects that aim for a locally contextualised and sustainable approach. In addition CCF also functions as an overarching platform where knowledge and experiences of community-based circular initiatives can be shared.
Circular Value Flower
The Circular Value Flower has been developed as a value-based co-design and development method for circularity initiatives by communities at the neighbourhood level. The method enables multiple value creation by unraveling the complex totality of ambitions, challenges, actors, technical, spatial and social possibilities when it comes to collectively closing resource flows. The Circular Value Flower is visualised by a layered diagram which has the ambitions and enablers of the community at the heart, followed by a layer of participating actors, essential resource flows, spatial neighbourhood elements and eventually by a layer of various community values. The Circular Value Flower can also be used to analyse and evaluate implemented projects and aid local initiators to sustainably realise their circular ambitions. The outcome of co-creative sessions using the Circular Value Flower results in a clear map, the so called ‘Value Flower Field Maps’, which allows you to see the process, the dependencies among the parties and the proposed interventions at a glance.

The Circular Value Flower method is developed by Els Leclercq and Mo Smit in partnership with Delft University of Technology as part of the Design & Government (Ontwerp & Overheid) and the Circular Communities project (supported by Delft Global Initiative).
Best Practices
Throughout the world there are already many communities and initiatives who started to collectively close resource flows at the neighbourhood level. These community-based initiatives are shared on this platform with the intention to create a useful source for others who are interested in such an approach. Only by collective effort we can swiftly make the transition towards a truly sustainable and just global society, within our planetary boundaries but fulfilling the modest needs of all.
Click here to view the best practices.
If you participate in or know of other good examples of community-based circular initiatives, please contact us: info@circularcommunity.org

The Circular Community Foundation (CCF) is a network-based not for profit organisation, consisting of a growing group of international experts and developers in the field of circular and participatory rural and urban development. CCF has been founded by Mo Smit and Els Leclercq who are both affiliated with Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) and have long standing knowledge of and experience in the topic of community-based circular and sustainable development, in particular related to buildings & construction methods, urban area development & urban design.
Partners + Collaborators
Partners of the Circular Community Foundation are:
Delft University of Technology, LDE Centre for Sustainability, University of Twente, Institute for Housing & Urban Development Studies (IHS Erasmus University), Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), School of Planning & Architecture Bhopal (India)
Stichting Natuurlijk IJburg, Bandung Creative City Forum (Bandung, Indonesia), Ethnodesign.org (Nairobi, Kenia)
The Circular Community Foundation is always open for collaboration with other organisations. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, we are happy to explore possible opportunities.
If you’re interested in the Circular Community Foundation please contact us: info@circularcommunity.org